Introduction by the Chief Rabbi of South Africa Rabbi Dr Warren Goldstein

Brit Milah has been a vital pillar of Jewish life for thousands of years since G-d commanded Avraham to circumcise himself and his sons. It is one of our most important mitzvot and is the foundation of who we are. This mitzvah symbolises the covenant between G-d and the Jewish people, and it is this covenant that frames our lives.
The South African Jewish community has been fulfilling the mitzvah of Brit Milah since our inception and the community can draw comfort from the remarkable track record of success of Brit Milah in South Africa for 175 years.
I am therefore very excited that we as a community have established the Regulatory Board of Brit Milah in South Africa.It’s mandate is to maintain a governance and oversight structure to oversee the performance of Brit Milah in South Africa to ensure it reaches the highest possible standard of safety, hygiene and halachic compliance.
This mitzvah represents the bond of love between us and G-d and is therefore sacred. It goes to the heart of our identity. It is a momentous step forward that we now have The Regulatory Board to maintain a governance structure for the fulfilment of this mitzvah. In the merit of the great mitzvah of Brit Milah, may Hashem bless us all.
With blessings,
Chief Rabbi Dr Warren Goldstein